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It cannot be done because the mind is confined to the body and therefore is part of the body. Outer body experiences people have claimed to have are nothing but dreams. When a person suffers trauma and claims to have had an outer body experience what they describe as experiencing is the same description of a dream. Everyone who truly dies never come back. Dead men tell no tales.
             The mind is a part of the body just like the heart but more dynamic and complex in its nature and functioning. People who disagree and say that the Argument from Divisibility is a valid argument would say that the mind and body are two different things because the body is divisible and the mind is not. They would argue, as Descartes did, that if a person's body was altered in some way like having all of their limbs removed, then the person's body would be different, but their mind would remain unchanged.
             Another argument that could be made would be that our minds and our bodies are different because our bodies have no free will. An example an opponent might give is a person driving a car. Their legs and feet control the acceleration while their arms and hands control the steering and shifting. Their eyes look forward at the road and even their ears listen for possible signs of danger such as a siren or a horn. All these functions an opponent might say could not happen without the free will of the mind telling the body what to do.
             A person not paying attention such as an inattentive driver could be argued as a separation of the mind and body, but the mind is just a functioning part of the body. It is possible for a person's heart, kidney, or other organ not to function properly. When a person's organs are not working to full capacity it is the same as the mind not working to full capacity, thus, making the driver inattentive.
             The last argument an opponent might give is that science tells us about the things in our physical universe.

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