These interconnections are most evident in the lives of people who are religious in traditional ways. However, most people who are not religious or atheists also have general, instinctive convictions about whether, why, and how any human life has intrinsic value. Therefore, supporting the religious viewpoint we would represent a large portion of the demurrers of euthanasia. Various religions and society impose their beliefs and morals on the individual causing more confusion. In Euthanasia: The Battle for Life, Dr. Raymond Bohlin discusses what the Bible says about life, suffering, and death. He quotes scripture that reflects the Christian beliefs that God has created us, numbered our days, and that no one can take another's life because it breaks God's commandment. He goes on to imply that the issue can be resolved by praying, speaking out, and reaching out to the sick and the elderly. .
Just days before he died, Chicago Cardinal Bernardin had this to say to the court, " I am at the end of my earthly life. As one who is dying, I have especially come to appreciate the gift of life. For the court to accept assisted suicide would send a false signal that a less-than-perfect life is not worth living (Chicago Tribune, 1996)." This stance is surprisingly different from surveys of Jewish willingness to participate in physician-assisted suicide. With a ratio of almost 3:1, Jewish respondents would participate in the procedure although it appears that the response is against Jewish teaching. However, the prime teachings are that each person is an individual and that 'loving kindness' should be extended to each person.
There are two illustrated religious thoughts that reflect our society's confusion over the issue of euthanasia. On one side are the people who want to legalize physician-assisted suicide because they believe that it is an individual's choice to decide to die with dignity. On the other side are the people who believe euthanasia should remain illegal because it is wrong to kill.