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The Dream Yet to Be Realized


             Griffin v. Prince Edward County, Virginia School System, 1964 v/s The court declared that there had been "entirely too much deliberation and not enough speed" in implementing its 1954 decision, and held the closing of Prince Edward County schools while other schools in the state remained open to be an infringement of the equal rights of blacks.
             Bell v. City School of Gary, Indiana, 1964 v/s In a decision which attracted much attention, the court refused to review a lower court decision which upheld de facto segregation on the grounds that policies of government were not involved.
             Wallace v. Bibb County, Alabama, Board of Education v. United States, 1967 v/s The court for the first time ordered an entire state, Alabama, to desegregate its schools.
             Green v. County School Board of New Kent County, Virginia, 1968 v/s The court found a "freedom of choice" plan to be inadequate because it failed to achieve desegregated schools and because it placed the burden of eliminating segregation on parents and children rather than on the government which had fostered it.
             School Board of Richmond, Virginia v. Virginia State Board, 1973 v/s In a 4-4 split decision, the court upheld the reversal of a widely heralded lower court decision which would have forced the consolidation of the predominantly black Richmond school district with two white suburban districts.
             United States v. Montgomery County, Alabama, School System, 1969 v/s Moving toward its position in the 1970's requiring schools to be racially indistinguishable, the court held that school faculties could not be segregated.
             Keyes v. School District No. 1, Denver, Colorado, 1973 v/s In the first decision in a case in which school segregation had not been imposed by law, the court held that school board policies had helped establish segregated schools and that the school board thus bore the responsibility of desegregation.
             San Antonio, Texas, School District v.

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