In Vienna he had embraced a view on life, which changed very little from its original conception throughout the rest of his life. This view included the belief that the expansion of the German economy was held back by a shortage of living space, or Lebensraum. Lebensraum became known as the purpose of achieving more of this space, and it could only be achieved through the use of force. In 1925 Hitler became obsessed by his "delusions of grandeur" of a greater Germany, and believed that he was in fact the heroic leader that would save Germany that he created in his original ideology. Throughout Hitler's life he consistently puts forward his worldview involving his ideals for Lebensraum. This evidence suggests that the German people were well informed that hostility towards other nations would be a result of Lebensraum.
Hitler's ideologies of greater Germany could only be achieved if the people were united. To do this Hitler invented a common enemy of the nation, the Jewish people. In this way Germany could be united against a specific enemy and play on the anti-Semitic beliefs that was already in the minds of some of the Germany populace. "Nothing creates more unity than a common enemy. The hatred of the Jews was the backbone of Hitler's power" . Hitler repeatedly expressed his hatred of the Jewish people in his propaganda, " Hitler blamed the loss of the First World War on the Jews .the Jews were blamed for every political setback." Hitler used the Jewish people as an excuse for everything wrong with Germany, he considered the Jewish people to be evil. It was not long before they " became the total explanation for all of his hatreds, fears and desires" . One of the theories of explanation of Hitler's hatred of the Jews traces back to Dec 21st 1907 with the death of his mother, Klara Hitler. She had developed cancer and it was viewed in 1907 that cancer was caused by bacteria, Hitler viewed it as a Jewish parasite.