Patients immediate caregiver is also exempt from state-level prosecutions for marijuana possession or cultivation" (CAmedmj 1). New Hampshire only has medical marijuana laws for cancer chemotherapy and radiology. New Mexico and Michigan have laws for cancer chemotherapy and glaucoma. In New Mexico other patients with other diseases must get approval from the Patient Qualification Review Board (NMmedmj 1). The law in Michigan allows patients with other diseases access marijuana if they get an IND permit from the FDA (MImedmj 1). All five states in the U.S. have passed a non-binding resolution that urges the federal government to make medical marijuana available for anyone that has any illness that marijuana provides relief. California uses marijuana from seized or forfeited from drug busts and other sources, if the supply of marijuana is not available from the federal government. Most of the states with medical marijuana laws get their marijuana from the federal government, and distribute it to the patients of that state. The federal government keeps close track of all marijuana to any state; the supply a patient gets is kept on record. The supply is sent every week to every month, and the amount sent is a projected amount that should last till the next shipment (LaFave 2).
When people talk about marijuana or hemp people instantly think about smoking it. What people do not know is hemp is one of the most widely used materials. Before 1883 seventy-five to ninety percent of the worlds paper was made out of hemp. The department of agriculture proposed to make paper out of hemp in 1930, the only problem was separating hemp pulp from the fiber cheaply. Six years later big companies like.
Dupont, Hearst paper, and Timber were making paper out of trees. Finally when a machine that separated the pulp and fiber came out a lot of money was already invested into tree pulp paper. The industrial hemp uses part of the cannabis sativa plant that contains less than 1.