To make clear that the United States decision to establish diplomatic relations with the People Republic of China rests upon the expectation that the future of Taiwan will be determined by peaceful means; to consider any efforts to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means a threat to the peace and security of the Western Pacific area and of grave concern to the United States. In simple words, United States would not hesitate to use any military forces to intervene Taiwan-China Reunification if People Republic of China does not follow the terms. .
1.2 Main Issues.
A strong majority views Taiwan as being more like an independent country than as part of China, and feels that any reunification should be voluntary. The majority supports Taiwan becoming a member of international organisation such as the United Nations (UN). If Taiwan were to take steps toward independence a majority would not want the US to oppose it, but the majority is opposed to selling advanced arms to Taiwan and favours a low key or cooperative approach to China on this issue. If China were to threaten or use military force against Taiwan there would not be majority support for using US military force to protect Taiwan. However, majority would want the US to intervene in this issue if China takes threatening action against Taiwan.
Secondly, China sees reunification with Taiwan as a matter of supreme national interest' for which it claims it is prepared to fight at any cost'. Beijing's most recent and authoritative statement on the subject declared that China might have experienced invasions, disunity and dynastic change during the last 5000 years but it always reverted to a unified state. This fixation on the cycle of Chinese history has made the recovery of Taiwan seem like a sacred mission. This is especially so after the return of Hong Kong in 1997 and Macao in 1999.
For people of Taiwan or political parties that oppose one China principle' will only force China to use its military force against Taiwan.