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            writing is like a Christmas present from your grandmother: it's a guaranteed.
             No matter what I write, no matter what the topic, time or place, I"m never sure.
             how something is going to turn out. Now, just because it's a surprise doesn't mean that it.
             isn't good. And, just because it's a surprise doesn't mean it isn't an accident either. .
             Weren't Corn Flakes and Penicillin discovered by accident? All I"m trying to say is that.
             every piece of my writing is an adventure: an unusual collection of thoughts and ideas .
             thrown together, forming an interesting, original, yet sometimes unfocused opinion. .
             Writing has not always been an enjoyable activity for me. Through my education, I've.
             been taught to write for a specific group, not to a specific group. Recently, however, I've.
             been lucky enough to have teachers who let me write for myself, not anyone else. With.
             this newly found freedom, writing has become a way to express what I feel, not how I.
             should or could feel. I use these opportunities to raise an eyebrow, instead of just.
             completing an assignment.
             Now that we got the legal mumbo jumbo out of the way, we can get started. If you.
             can't already tell, I like to write with flare. I could write the world's most detailed and.
             thorough book on the molecular behavior of a Tetrachloride isotope. But, if I don't catch.
             a reader, don't inspire a reader, or make a reader beg for more, all I have is a cheap door.
             stop or welcome mat. Life's too short to do boring things. You have to step out of your.
             comfort zone, take chances, say the things you really want to say, do what you have to do. .
             It makes for a pure, original masterpiece, which anyone can enjoy. Just be yourself. Let's.
             face it. Who in our society are we most fascinated by? Regular, everyday Joes or Janes? .
             No way. Freaks, weirdoes, individuals, basketball players with colored hair--these are the.
             people that receive all the attention. And why? Because they are truly themselves, not the.

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