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nursing leadership


             According to Clegg, transactional leadership relies on the power of organizational position and formal authority to reward and punish performance, whereas Markham attributed power to interpersonal skills and personal contact. Transformational leadership style is described as collaborative, consultative, and consensus seeking. Clegg states that Kouzes and Posner identified 5 key practices in transformational leadership: challenging the process, inspiring shared vision, enabling others to act, modeling the way, and encouraging the heart. She describes organizational psychology and motivational theory as exploring the dynamics of effective teamwork.
             In Leadership: the Key to Quality Outcomes, Barbara Murdoch Perra maintains that leadership style contributes to the success of organizations. She discusses the Integrated Leadership Practice Model (ILPM). According to the theory, there are nine qualities that contribute to successful leadership: self-knowledge, trust, respect, integrity, learning, participation, shared vision, communication, and change facilitator (Perra).
             Self-knowledge involves defining values and beliefs, understanding motivation and responses, having courage and initiative to examine strengths and weaknesses, and understanding the values, beliefs, and motivations that underlie them. It requires a willingness to expose thoughts and feelings and to acknowledge how they impact perception and behavior (Perra).
             According to Perra, trust is the belief or confidence in the integrity or reliability of another. Not only must a leader be trusting, but trustworthy as well. The development of trust comes from honest communication, the sharing of information, and the giving and receiving of feedback. She feels leaders need to have respect for themselves before they can respect and value diversity in others. Perra maintains that integrity, the application of trust, honesty, and caring towards relationships at the personal, organizational, and community level, enables leaders to look critically at current practices and advocate for patients and staff (Perra).

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