Fishes". This is to insist on the fact that the Gilead society is a Godly society and therefore, it's actions and policies are good and anything that would go against it.
would be sinful. Women in Gilead have to wear a special uniform depending on their social rank, the handmaids are in red, the wives in powder blue and the aunts.
in brown. The effect of this is to create a loss of individuality by reminding women that they are now only considered by the role they occupy. For the handmaids,.
and to a lesser extent other women, this also served the purpose of making it difficult for them to be recognised by people they once knew, thus cutting them for.
their past. The white scarf serves that same purpose and it also makes it difficult for the handmaids to see their surrounding. Women in Gilead are forbidden to read.
or write which helps in censuring the information they receive, prevents them from communicating and limits their freedom of expression and thinking. Even public.
signs and billboards have been replaced by images and icons as they are considered more safe than actual words who would be "too much of a temptation". Signs.
with a "Red Hexagon" mean STOP and a Huge Golden Lily is the sign for "Lilies in the Field" shop. In the few cases when women are allowed written language to.
be viewed, the language functions as propaganda, furthering the message already drilled in the minds of the Handmaids. Large banners proclaim: "Women's.
Prayvaganza Today" and "God is a National Resource" Knowing that the Handmaids are desperate for any written or verbal information, leaders of this society.
have turned this to their advantage, knowing that their propaganda will be devoured greedily by it's citizens. Banishing writing and reading is not the only form of.
censorship in Gilead. The only way for women to get information is by watching television or through dangerous underground networks. It is understood that the.