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             Exploration 2: The impression I had formed about Macbeth before scene three had been a very positive one. Through the dialogue between the captain and Duncan, the reader gets the impression that Macbeth is a fearless and loyal fighter that would do anything to protect his country and serve his king. This is shown from the captain's recollection of what happened during the battle with MacDonald. "For brave Macbeth-well he deserves that name- unseamed him from the nave to th"chaps and fixed his head upon our battlements." Due to Macbeth's valor and bravery he became the new Thane of Cawdor (because the previous one was a traitor). "What he hath lost, noble Macbeth has won." .
             In scene three, our impression on Macbeth changes because we no longer view him as the strong person we had envisioned him to be in scenes 1-2. Macbeth may be physically strong and a fierce fighter but he has a very weak heart and can not make sound decisions. This is shown in after the three witches tell him and Banquo their prophecies. In line 48 the third witch says. "All hail Macbeth that shalt be king hereafter." Macbeth's weakness is shown in lines 133-136 where he states, "If good, why do I yield to that suggestion, whose horrid image doth unfix my hair and make my seared heart knock at my ribs against the use of nature?" This sentence shows how Macbeth has created a terrifying mental picture in his mind of what the future may be like. In line 138 (my thought but what is not.) Macbeth states that murder has crossed his mind and is disturbing his mental state. This alone is enough evidence to show that Macbeth is not a stable character, it is also foreshadowing to the murder of Duncan. The character Banquo is extremely different from his friend Macbeth. Although the witches told him that his children will become kings, he does not make a big deal about it and is much more relaxed than Macbeth. Lines 121-125 (But "tis strange and often times to win us to our harm in deepest consequence) help show the stance Banquo holds on prophecies.

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