Recent studies have shown that the average American child spends approximately four to five hours a day hypnotized in television programs full of violent content (Hepburn 244). Protesters of television violence believe an increase in television sales also has a negative affect on adolescents viewing violent programming. According to The World Factbook 2002, published by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, approximately seventy-eight percent of American homes contain a television, while many contain two or three sets (n. pag.). Due to the rise of individual television sets per household, the individual viewing of violent programs by children also rises, causing them to be less monitored by their parents (Hepburn 244). As a result of the heavy viewing by today's adolescents, several citizens who oppose of television violence believe this to be one of three interlinking elements that lead children to violent and aggressive lives. .
Second of all, those who recommend the regulation of television violence are convinced that the violent content shown in the entertainment industry is not only a reflection of a violent society, but it is also a contributor. A 1993 report by the American Psychological Association warned that the average American child is watching 8,000 murders and 100,000 acts of violence before leaving elementary school (Hepburn 244). Many who reject television violence are persuaded that the violence shown on several programs has actually increased for example, air time for war cartoons jumped from approximately two hours per week in the mid-eighties to forty-three hours a week in the early nineties (Gogna n.pag.). A study done by the Center for Communication Policy at UCLA found an increase in excessive violence shown on Saturday morning children's shows. The study found seventy-five percent of the programs monitored shows no punishment of the perpetrators for example, the famous cartoons "Batman and Robin" and "X-Men" are not bringing justice to the enemy by sending them to jail; rather they are destroying them with elaborate weapons.