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Merchant of Venice-Portia


             Shylock refuses the amount of six thousand ducats. Portia and Nerissa enter. Bassanio offers ten times the bond - thirty thousand ducats. Shylock refuses a surgeon so that Antonio will be sure to die. Portia declares that exactly one pound of flesh must be cut in one go, but no blood can be spilt. There is now a case against Shylock and so instead of death. Shylock must now convert to be a Christian and give half of his money to Lorenzo and Jessica.
             Bassanio give the lawyer and clerk the rings, not knowing they are giving Portia and Nerissa their rings back.
             Portia and Nerissa have fun teasing Bassanio and Gratiano over the rings once they have arrived home. Portia and Nerissa give them back after they have made the men feel insignificant.
             There is a letter saying that Antonio's ships have arrived safely.
             The first time we meet Portia is when she states to Nerissa that her "body is aweary of this great world". Portia doesn't want to obey her father but Nerissa persuades her that it is sensible. Portia has no choice in who she marries, as the chooser of the correct casket has the right to her marriage. It is a "lottery" that Portia cannot influence or overrule as she would like. .
             Portia criticises the suitors that have come to look her over, she calls the Neapolitan prince a "colt" as he "doth nothing but talk of his horse" and the Count Palatine is described as an unhappy man as "he doth nothing but frown," Portia fears he will "prove the weeping philosopher." Monsieur Le Bon is described that "if I should mart him, I should marry twenty husbands," and The young baron of England, Falconbridge cannot understand Portia, and she the same. He "hath neither Latin, French, nor Italian. He seems to have picked up his fashion everywhere as she thinks "he bought his doublet in Italy, his round hose in France, his bonnet in Germany and his behaviour everywhere.".
             When Bassanio arrives to choose a casket Portia asks him to "tarry a day or two" so that she could "teach you to choose right.

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