Fingerprinting is used because every person has a unique set of fingerprints. There are many ways to acquire a persons fingerprints from a crime scene. One of the techniques mostly used is dusting. Dusting for fingerprints is done by sprinkling powder or applying powder with a soft brush to a fingerprint. The powder sticks to oils in a fingerprint making it more visible. Than a piece of adhesive tape is used to extract the fingerprint. (Criminalistics:An Introduction to Forensic Science .
Anthropology 3443 Class Notes #4 ) In some occasions, a technique of heating super glue .
is used to achieve the desired fingerprint. First, the area is sealed off. Then the super glue is heated, the fumes from the heated super glue stick to the oils in the fingerprint. With the fingerprints visible it can be obtained. When a suspect puts a bloody palm print on a wall then paints over it, a variable light source can expose the prints through the freshly placed paint. .
The next technique involves firearms. When a firearm shoots a bullet, the firearm leaves noticeable marks on the bullets. If the firearm can be found, two bullets can be compared to see if the firearm is the firearm used in the crime. Gun powder residue may be used as another clue. When a firearm is fired, gunpowder residue is left behind on hands, clothes, and other surroundings. These residues can be compared to other residues. Many times when a firearm is used a criminal will destroy the firearm serial numbers. To restore serial numbers, scientists use acid to dissolve the distorted metal crystals. The distorted metal crystals liquefy at a quicker pace than non distorted metal crystals leaving the serial number visible. There are other tests that can be done. Dental impressions can be used to identify an unidentified victim. Bite marks on a victim can be .
compared to a suspect.