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King of the World


He wasn't going to let Clay quit.
             After coming to his conclusion he quickly grabbed a wet sponge and began wiping Ali's eyes in an attempt to rid him of the burning chemical in order to return to the fight. Dundee's words were, "this is the big one, daddy. Cut the bull. We"re not quitting now. Now go out there and you run.".
             At that time the black Muslims in the crowd behind him became extremely rambunctious thinking Angelo himself was blinding Clay on behalf of the Italian gangsters backing Liston. Dundee and his assistant trainer Norman Mailer could hear the Muslims shouting, "that white man is trying to blind Clay! It's a conspiracy!" In light of those words Dundee took the chemical filled sponge and wiped it in his own eyes to prove it wasn't him that committed this sore act.
             That round, that particular round of the fight was the most important time in Ali's career, in my opinion. Angelo Dundee was just not going to let Muhammad Ali lose his chance at becoming a champion. Dundee knew that if he let Ali give up, then there would never be a chance for a rematch, and there might never be a Muhammad Ali. .
             After becoming the heavy weight champion of the world Muhammad Ali used his public persona to then accomplish extraordinary things. He realized that in the eyes of millions, he represented a race of people still struggling to become equal after suffering from years of prejudice ness and oppression. Ali had grown up during the Jim Crow era in Louisiana and was tired of the lack of rights he and his people were entitled to. Along with Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad, he was searching for the end of bigotry and hatred for African-Americans. .
             Ali was rebellious against everyone and everything that would keep him and his people down. His rebelliousness along with his cockiness and inventive rhymes gave the sports writers the chance to challenge him. Which brings me to another part of the King of the World that stood out in my mind.

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