While they were there, Salvador was so intrigued by Picasso's work that he provided him with a studio and an allowance. (Galwitz, 95) The family moved to Barcelona and Picasso attended school at the Lota, a school of fine arts. He was beyond everyone else in the school and it wasn't much of a challenge. (Galwitz, 96) Picasso continued to paint, but he wasn't satisfied.
He wanted more and had dreams to revolutionize painting. He realized that the only way of doing this would be to attend Madrid's Royal Academy of San Fernando, which is well known for having the most demanding artistic training in the country. (Jaffe, 113) In the fall of 1897, that's exactly what Picasso did; he enrolled. Even though he was at the greatest school, he still was finishing his work early, leaving him a lot of time on his hands. (Jaffe, 117) The school didn't work out, so Picasso went to Paris, which was one of his dreams He was able to explore the streets, cafés, and museums that Paris had to offer. An art dealer, by the name of Pere Manach, was impressed by the work he had seen of Picasso's and offered him a deal. He would pay him 150 francs every month for all of the work he had completed in that time period. (Selfridge, 85) Although Picasso left back to Spain, he agreed and they made arrangements to make an exchange every month. Picasso received word that a well respected art dealer named Ambroise Vollard wanted to exhibit his work, so Picasso returned to Paris for the occasion. (Selfridge, 88) The exhibit turned out to be very successful, and fifteen pieces of Picasso's was purchased before the exhibit was opened. Picasso returned to Spain and continued his work there. A good friend of his named Casagemos committed suicide, which made Picasso very depressed. He showed his emotions through his work by painting mostly in shades of blue. This is known as his blue period, where all his subjects dealt with poverty, depression, and human struggle.