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             Smallpox may have appeared in Northeastern African Agricultural settlements.
             The last natural death from this disaster was in Somolia, Africa in.
             1977. The world Health Organization declared it officially gone the world over in 1979. .
             Smallpox, once a deadly disease that killed millions, is again possing a risk to humans as.
             its use as a biological weapon spreads among terrorist countries.
             The world Health Organization decided that the remaining stock of smallpox virus,.
             be kept at the U.S. center for disease control and prevention in Atlanta and at the Russia's.
             instutute for viral prepation in Moscow, be destroyed. The destruction date for smallpox.
             virus was June 30, 1995. There were recommedations from the committe on how to.
             destroy the smallpox virus. Remaining cloned material is to be kept at the CDC and at the.
             Russian State research center of Virology and Biotechnology in Kottsovo; that the.
             500,000 doses left of the smallpox vaccine be kept by the World Health Organization in.
             case of an emergency. ("Destruction").
             Smallpox appeared around 10,000 B.C. around Northeastern Africa. The Term.
             Smallpox comes from the term smallpoxes which means small gus, which was first used.
             around 15th century to recognize the illness from syphilis. In 1948, 60 lakh people were.
             given a vaccination in New York, just two week following an outbreak of smallpox. .
             There were 25 lakh deaths a year due to the smallpox virus, before 1967. Ali Maow a.
             Somolian was the last person to die from smallpox in October 1977. An accident killed an.
             British medical photographer after a leak in a laboratory in 1978. On December 9, 1979.
             the World Health Organization declared smallpox to be offically eradicated. .
             There is no treatement for small pox there are reports of benifit with antiviral.
             agents have been questionable and encouraging results from cidofovir in animal studies.
             have not been replicated in humans post exposure vaccination with the vaccinia virus,.

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