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Equality in Sports


Nothing was really going in favour of upping women's participation and opportunity in sports. It was not for a few years that Title IX cases were dealt with. .
             With Ronald Raegan and George Bush as president, Title IX seemed to lay dormnant, almost as if it didn't even exist. Cases came to a stop, no sexual discrimination cases dealing with athletics and Title IX were enforcemen. Then, in a 1984 decision, Grove City v. Bell, the U.S. Supreme Court interpreted the meaning of Title IX. The ruling stated that in order to be in violation of Title IX, the individual program who is being charged with sexual discrimination must be directly receiving federal funding. If the institution is being funded in other areas besides athletics, that does not mean Title IX applies in this situation. The specific program under question must be funded federally. The ruling allowed athletic departments free to discriminate as long as they were not federally funded. This left women furious because the interpretation of the law was allowing discrimination to exist in a society built around equality to all citizens. .
             Women's Rights groups were very upset about this interpretation. In 1988 Congress passed the Civil Rights Restoration Act. This abolished the Grove City ruling. It did this by revamping the wording in Title IX. The change now ensured that even if only part of an institution was being given any kind of monies to fund their needs, then any kind of sexual discrimination is outlawed in any part of the entire institution. This obviously applied in the sports aspect of colleges, universities and high schools. The OCR also stated that it was going to "put its foot down" on gender discrimination in all federally funded institutions. It has now become a "top priority" for the OCR, so much so that it released a "Title IX Athletic Investigator's Manual. This manual outlines the way in which the OCR deals with gender discrimination.

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