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Cracula,Villain and Victum


             As can be seen in every controversial issue, different people have different.
             It is this difference in beliefs that can stereotype something as positive or.
             negative. These different beliefs have, also, the power to stereotype a person as good or.
             evil. One such example of this stereotyping can be seen when looking at Bram.
             Stoker's character Dracula. Some people would describe Dracula as an evil being, even a.
             villain. Others might see him as a victim, innocent of all wrong. .
             When viewing Dracula as evil, the most outstanding thing that comes to mind is the.
             fact that he attacks innocent people and drains them of their life. This alone is enough.
             to single-handedly stereotype an individual as evil. Another example that could be used.
             to show Dracula's evil is his use of super-natural powers for wrongdoing, such as his.
             transformation into different states in order to gain access to his prey. Another of.
             Dracula's villainies is the idea that he may also be viewed as deceitful. This.
             deceitfulness is shown when he impersonates Jonathan Harker during Harker's time of.
             imprisonment in Dracula's castle. Dracula's representation of taboo matters, such as.
             sex, makes him appear to be a "bad" person with "bad" morals. This sexual representation.
             is seen in his implied participation in masturbation, multiple sex partners, and sex for.
             pleasure. .
             In contrast to all of these villain-like qualities, many people see Dracula as a.
             victim instead. Dracula does not choose to, but is forced to survive on the blood of the.
             living. This means that he must either hunt the living, or face his own starvation. .
             These same people may also see Dracula as a victim of his powers. Yes, these powers.
             may be very helpful to his way of life, but they bring with them their hindrances as.
             well. These hindrances can be seen in the fact that Dracula cannot enter the daylight,.
             or cross moving water, both of which limit him severely. Lastly, Dracula can be seen.

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