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The Outcomes of Cuban Revoluti


             During the same time Latin America while no longer colonized, had many of the same goals as the newly independent nations in Africa and Asia, which included moderation. The modernization movement in Latin America gave raise to several other movements, like the educational and nationalistic movements. The educational movement is of critical in understanding of many of the revolutions in Latin America including Cuba. The reason it is so important is that education sparked the fight against the imperial system of rule in many of these countries. It is also important to note that the United States had a lot of influence economically and politically in these countries back then and still does. Therefore, when these nationalistic views came to be the United States became the enemy of these countries. This is a crucial point to be made in understanding why the Cuban Revolution happened. Cuba more then most Latin American states were in total control of The United States. In other words, the Cuban Revolution was a nationalistic movement to free Cuba from foreign control. This does not mean that the Cuban people where not also in desperate need for reform do to other reasons. There was a tremendous need for better distribution of wealth, which had to begin with the removal of the corrupt government. One also must take into account that the scholars, artists, and students, were seen for the first time the miserable conditions the majority of people where living under. At the same token the peasants where getting support from the middle class. These ingredients lead to the Cuban revolution. .
             Now that we know why the Cuban Revolution happened lets examine the goals of the revolution. The most apparent goals of the revolution were land reform, Income/ wealth distribution, economic independence, agricultural diversity and socioeconomic reform. Castro's revolution was also more then just reform for the country it is a reform for the people.

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