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Anabolic Steroids and Other Su


Legally, anabolic steroids are used in short term cases for weakened persons" due to surgery, illness, abuse, osteoporosis, cancer or injury. The drug would help to increased muscle mass and strength, stimulate appetite, increase red blood cell volume, improve healing of wounds and increase bone density. These would all lead to a speedy recovery. Other non-anabolic steroids include cortisone, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory drugs. It is prescribed for allergies, asthma, skin inflammations, or diseases such as lupus and arteristis (inflammation of arteries).
             Athletes have capitalized on the fact that the drug will increase muscle mass and strength so have been using anabolic steroids to help them train harder and recover faster. (Riccio 2000) Comparing using and not using, athletes find it hard to make gains or keep gains in training without the use of steroids. (Fahey par. 7) This is because the steroid is essentially stopping or lessening the muscle from breaking or tearing as is naturally occurs from intense training. While people are training, sensations of well being, euphoria, increased aggressiveness and tolerance to stress, allowing the athlete to train harder (Fahey par. 12) Others may just use the drug in training to make themselves look more defined for aesthetic purposes.
             Using steroids does not have its risks though. The catabolic effects that were once suppressed by the drug increase dramatically after the drug has stopped being used because the body has been accustomed to make more catabolic hormones for the increases in testosterone. (Fahey par 9) This leads to a dramatic decrease in the person's muscle mass. "The hormone cortisol suppresses the immune system. This makes steroid users more prone to diseases, such as cold and flu, during the period immediately following administration." (Fahey par. 9) Pre-adolescents may experience early musculoskeletal maturity, including premature closure of the growth plates.

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