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Long-term heavy drinking increases the risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, and some kinds of stokes. It also increases the risk of developing certain cancers. Alcoholism is a chronic, progressive and sometimes fatal disease. Some alcoholics begin drinking to the point of intoxication from the very first drink. For others, the disease is progressive, beginning with acceptable social drinking. Studies show that people whose parents were alcoholics are four times more likely to be alcoholics than other people(Causes of Alcoholism). Social factors such as an unhappy home life, a need to control anxiety, problems with relationships, low self-esteem, and stress also play a large part. These are considered "triggers" that lead to drinking alcohol. Alcohol produces both physical and psychological addiction. Social pressures, especially during college years, encourage people to drink more than usual. Most people learn to control alcohol intake, while other continue to abuse alcohol to the point of alcoholism. Alcohol is something a person drinks to help relieve stress and any other factors having a negative effect on a person.Alcohol is a substance that a person does not want to drink. Once a person drinks alcohol, this person may have a hard time staying away from it. Alcohol is a drug that could be vital to anyone's health and people should avoid it. No matter how much someone likes it, it will kill you mentally and physically.
             Myths about alcoholism .
             Myth #1- Only people who are morally weak or have emotional problems can become alcoholics.
             Fact- Studies show that there is no particular abnormal personality traits that cause alcoholism to occur. In most cases, emotional problems are the result of alcoholism, not the cause. What's important is how much and how often someone drinks, not what kink of person they are.

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