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Comparison of Media Outlets


The story explained how the left and right wing extremists can turn "facts- and statistics into whatever they want them to be. The other article was on the effects on the human body. Somewhat contradicting views/statements were made in this article. At one point, it declared that marijuana's effects can beneficial to all, with increase an in lymphocytes (disease fighting cells), relief from headaches/migraines, along with release of pressure within the eye. But the article also then states that marijuana has been linked to poor circulation in the limbs, leading in many cases to amputation. I for one have never heard such a thing, which leads me to question if this is one of the "facts- or statements the article itself discusses. The anti-pot view, even though somewhat well concealed, is still evident with such statements such as the article's table of contents title, "Beyond the Munchies-. The piece does, however, have a very professional approach, design, and style. The articles are filled with pictures, charts, polls, and quotes from many highly respected players on either side of the movement. TIME magazine produced very in depth investigation, very well written articles, and very nicely designed pages, which provided an exceptional look to the whole magazine.
             The second medium I chose to compare TIME to "High Times- magazine. "High Times- was created in 1976, when magazine founder Tom Forzade published a "Lines- column, expressing his views on the key players in mass media and their limited views. .
             The following are few excerpts from this article, articulating the aims and goals of the newly created magazine. .
             "The general public (us) has no idea who really owns and manages Time magazine, the Washington Post, the New York Times, the three monopolistic TV networks, Random House, Simon & Schuster and so on. Nor do we have any idea what their goals are. And the public will never learn from the aforementioned sources, either - Forzade went on to state that the media has extreme power of influence over society, and that the media is who made marijuana illegal in the first place using "public service announcements-.

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