Pay, working hours, holidays and changes to working practices are.
the sort of issues that are negotiated. However, not all views will be taken on.
board by management; there may be a difference of opinion between them and union.
members. Negotiation, therefore, is about finding a solution to these.
differences. This process is also known as collective bargaining. "In many.
workplaces there is a formal agreement between the union and the company, which.
states that the union has the right to negotiate with the employer. In these.
organizations, unions are said to be recognised for collective bargaining.
purposes." People who work in organizations where unions are recognised are.
better paid, and are less likely to be made redundant than people who work in.
organizations where unions are not recognised. Most collective bargaining takes.
place quietly and agreements are quickly reached by the union and the employer.
Occasionally disagreements do occur, and in these cases the union may decide to.
take industrial action. "If the problem cannot be resolved amicably, the.
matter may go to an industrial tribunal." The purpose of industrial tribunals.
is to make sure that employees and employers conform to employment laws. They.
are made up of people outside the workplace who make a judgement about the case,.
based on the employee's and employer's point of view. Cases that go to.
industrial tribunals are usually about pay, unfair dismissal, redundancy or.
discrimination at work. The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service.
(ACAS) is often used to help find a solution to a dispute, which is acceptable.
to both sides. "Its duty under the Employment Protection Act.
In the past, unions were established to protect the dignity and the basic rights of the worker. Union protection of the worker is genuine in well-established countries. Unfortunately, in third world countries workers do not enjoy the benefits of suitable wages, sick leave, and respect from their employer.