Viewed throughout history as violent and barbaric philosophies, these proverbs and observations merely point out what actions have proven to be successful or unsuccessful for the different rulers. As a true patriot for his country, his proverbs were intended to ensure a stable and secure government without fear of attack from within or from outside invaders. .
The need for laws and a strong military force to enforce those laws is considered by Machiavelli as one of the most important concern for any ruler that has any hopes of maintaining control over their territory. He goes on to explain the different types of troops and the pros and cons of each type. He stresses the use of native troops who have a loyalty to their leader and their country is the ideal composition for a successful military force by citing the example of Phillip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great. Their loyalty stems from their desire to protect their own nation, freedoms, and way of life. Therefore are less likely to revolt or sell out to an outside conqueror. One of the most interesting points that Machiavelli identifies is the importance of the prince in being a master of the art of warfare to utilize his troops logically. He explains that such knowledge is necessary to understand the organization and discipline of his army as well as the most efficient way to defend his nation. To maintain the discipline and loyalty of his troops, the prince must be willing to lead the way into battle and to not sacrifice them for his own benefit.
Critics of Bill Clinton point out that this where he falls short of the mark as a successful statesman. "He (Clinton) is forever satisfying his own personal wants and desires. Machiavelli gives this fabulous description of princes of his day who never can use military power correctly because they always wanted to pose in front of armed forces so they never sent them into battle to destroy an enemy.