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Why does a person do what they


Yet his theory is still related to behaviorism because it addresses the element of learning (attention, memory, drive) that are included in both behavioral and social theories. Behaviorism is the view that only observable, overt activities that can be measured scientifically should be studied by Psychology. Behaviorists believe those internal events, such as thoughts, images, feelings, and intentions are immeasurable, and so should not be part of Psychology. .
             Scientific or experimental methods are ways in which we are able to measure observable activities. The scientific method involves the construction of theories for explaining various events or processes. The theories contain predictions, or hypotheses that are then tested by further research and observation. The theory is then accepted only if the new observations are consistent with the theory. The experimental method is a research method in which one or more variables are manipulated (called the independent variable) in order to see the effects it has on another variable (the dependent variable). In summary, it says that one's environment causes one's behavior. Bandura found this theory to be true, but also added that behavior causes environment as well. In the argument over whether the person or the situation is most responsible for the behavior, Bandura argues for reciprocal determinism, in which a person's behavior is based on an evaluation of the situation. That behavior changes the situation, requiring a new evaluation and a new behavior decision, and so on.
             The first of many assumptions are concerns whether one believes that the behaviors, any type of action, a person exhibits are produced by conscious choices and decisions, also known as free will, or "determined" by forces beyond ones control. I believe in the free will explanation, but not the type of free will commonly imagined. Humans do ultimately have the power to choose their actions, would be reinforced by Carols Rogers humanistic approach.

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