"More often than not, families of murder victims do not experience the relief they expected to feel at the execution, says Lula Redmond, a Florida therapist." ( Brownlee 28). "The United States is the execution capital of the world. Now isn't that something to be proud of?" Katie Kondrat asks sarcastically in "The Death Penalty a Just Punishment?". "A killer who is killed can not kill again, but a killer in jail until he dies also can't kill." The well known argument against capital punishment remains as the morality issue. Some say killing the murderer will not bring the victim back to life. The U.S. needs a plan that will not execute but use the remaining lifetimes in a positive manner. The common argument for capital punishment is that it saves tax dollars, it decreases prison overcrowding and provides equal justice. With the proposed plan, the government would save millions on not having to hire road crews and other manual labor task forces. The monies generated by the work provided should solve the prison crowding issue by freeing up more funds to build and staff bigger prisons. "Without severe punishment the justice system says that a murderer's life is more important than the victim's." says Connie Sun in contrasting part of "The Death Penalty a Just Punishment?". A lifetime of service to the victim and his family may be viewed as equal justice. What the Bible has to say about capital punishment affects peoples view on it. The whole issue seems to stem from ideas of morality. "Men presume to claim things that are God's alone. They even want to decide over the life and death of people and nations," says Eberhard Arnold. "They forget that it is the Lord who kills and makes alive." ( Bruderhof 2). The New Testament is based on forgiveness. "Father forgive them; for they know not what they do," states Luke 23:34 of the New Testament. The Bible also contains the Ten Commandments, one of which states , "Thou shalt not kill".