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" Any who is (so) grateful does so to the profit of his own soul: but if any is ungrateful verily Allah is free of all wants worthy of all praise. .
             What is thankfulness? It is one of the most important principles of Islam. It is one of the most important principles of Islam. It is reported that Abu Uthman (al Hirji) said: "Thankfulness is the conscious awareness of the fact that you are quite incapable of thankfulness." This means that even we thank Allah, we can never thank him enough. In fact, from a certain point of view, almost everyone is a multi-millionaire. Would you sell your arms, legs, or any other body part for a few million dollars? No, you would say that they are worth more than that. But have we ever thought of the people that don't have that body part? So even though we are thanking Allah for what He has given us, we are not thanking Him for what He has not taken away. In the words of an authentic tradition (Al-Khabar As-Sahih): "The first of those invited to enter the Garden of Paradise will be those who are constantly praising Allah (Alhamdulillah)." The following story was told by one of the righteous:.
             "In the course of one of my journeys, I caught sight of an old man, who was far advanced in age, so I asked him about his condition. He responded by telling me: 'In the early part of my life, I was deeply in love with a cousin of mine, the daughter of my paternal uncle, and she was equally in love with me, so it was agreed that I should marry her. [When she entered my chamber] on the night of her bridal procession [zifaf], I said to her: 'Come, let us spend the whole of this night in worship, as a way of giving thanks to Allah [shukran li'llah] (Almighty and Glorious is He) for having brought us together.' So we performed the ritual prayer [sallaina] throughout that night, and neither of us paid any attention to the other. Then, when the second night came around, we spent the whole of it in similar fashion.

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