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I also get a chance to say what I think I did best, and also what my "areas of opportunity" are. Dave gives me instructive criticism through discussing the things he thinks I did best and the areas in which I have an opportunity to improve. Furthermore, when we are working together on a busy Friday or Saturday Night, he watches me and confronts me when I have a free moment and asks me what I did in the situation he observed and further gives me alternative suggestions in handling a similar situation if it arises in the future. He always tells me how happy he is with me and what I am accomplishing so quickly, but is also quick offer criticisms and alternative actions and solutions that I should take into consideration. I find that the way and time in which he delivers feedback, motivates and encourages me to constantly seek improvement and instills a desire to learn more.
             Moreover, I find that the weekly meetings we have with the other managers in the company to be extremely effectively in delivering and receiving constructive criticism and feedback. The meetings act as time for each of the three clubs in the company and their management teams to discuss their weekly sales and how certain promotions, staff, ideas or events impacted those sales. It allows us to bounce ideas off each other with the hope that the ideas implemented in one club that brought success can be used to bring the same or greater success another club. Equally important, it allows us a group to take good ideas that were not as successful as anticipated and discuss ways in which the idea can be changed or used differently to ensure a greater success next time. The way in which Dave deals with each team member and devotes considerable time to strengthen communication with each team member is indicative of the strong management team and the consequent highly motivated and enthusiastic staff he employs. .

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