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creatine consumption: good or


Since steroids are very dangerous and illegal, many athletes have begun to use dietary supplements to enhance muscle performance. Creatine monohydrate is the latest supplement to enter the market. This dietary supplement allows an athlete to enhance muscle output in order to gain a competitive edge. As a result of this supplement being widely used and manufactured across the nation, many assume that it is a safe product to use. In fact, many researchers and consumers of creatine have little knowledge of what the long-term effects of the supplement are. Therefore, extreme caution should be taken when dealing with the possible long term effects of this supplement. The key to understanding creatine is to fully grasp where this substance arrives from and to note the toll that it takes on the body. (Jenkins) .
             The creatine that is normally in the muscles of the human body may only come from two sources: animal flesh that is consumed from the diet, and or the production of creatine that is internally produced by the body. When creatine isn't present in the diet it can easily be produced from the liver and kidneys. The average adult can produce 2g of creatine a day. Of this, half is taken from the diet and half is internally produced. (Jenkins) One of the most common myths of creatine is that it produces muscle. Although it can greatly contribute to the production of muscle it does not make muscle.
             Creatine monohydrate is different from the creatine that is either produced by the body or taken from the body. Creatine monohydrate is a manufactured chemical that is mass produced into forms of powder and or liquid. One thing that has been evident is that the benefits of creatine monohydrate have only been proven to be significant in a short-term basis. Manufactures suggest that an athlete take two stages of this supplement for short periods of time. .
             The first stage is called the loading stage where an athlete takes anywhere between 15-20 grams of creatine per day for 10 to 14 days.

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