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             Being young doesn't mean that your body is 100% normal. Young people these days do have problems with ED due to heavy drinking, not being able to perform with condoms, stress, sexual anxiety, and this gives the Pfizer Company a huge new market to promote sales and treat ED. .
             Combining with the Impotence Association will be a great breakthrough because it'll ease the tension of men facing ED to go to their doctor and get the treatment they need. Many people are too embarrassed and shy to do anything about their problem because they feel that they less of a man or just not completely ready to handle the problem all by themselves. IT will also strengthen the creditability of the trademark (Viagra) as two companies venture together to help treat this problem. But before anything like this can happen both companies will need to set a standard on how the two companies will carry their weight.
             We at Pfizer dedicate ourselves to helping humanity and delivering exceptional financial performance by discovering, developing and providing innovative health care products that lead to healthier and more productive lives. .
             OUR MISSION: .
             Over the next five years we will achieve and sustain our place as the world's premier research-based health care company. Our continuing success as a business will benefit patients and our customers, our shareholders, our families, and the communities in which we operate around the world.
             In each of its global health care businesses, Pfizer will secure a leading position through excellence in the following areas:.
             Research and Development .
             Marketing Innovative Products .
             Financial Performance .
             Research and Development .
             We will develop an unmatched number of new products that are recognized worldwide as significantly enhancing health and quality of life.
             We will sustain unparalleled vitality in all our product pipelines.
             We will attract and retain world-class researchers and product developers who will utilize ever-expanding scientific knowledge to discover life-saving and life-enhancing medicines and health care products.

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