This protein is found in healthy brain cells, but is found in much larger quantities surrounding areas affected by this disease. Other ailments have been linked to the onset of the disease. These include head trauma, problems with the immune system, blood cancer, thyroid problems and Down's Syndrome. (Frank, 1985).
There are four distinct stages of progression. The progression of Alzheimer's can take from three to fourteen years. This time span is based on the time from diagnosis to death. All patients go through these stages just at different rates. The first stage of Alzheimer's the patient experiences a slowing down of many factors of behavior. They have less energy, slow to learn new things, and their reaction time decreases. Patients experience only mild forgetfulness of recent events, familiar people and places. They have a decrease in judgment, and trust. Also, they become increasingly stubborn and restless. Many people are unaware of the presence of a disease because frequently memory loss is common in the elderly due to fatigue or a period of sickness. (;( .
In the second stage the patient becomes increasingly forgetful and has more trouble recalling recent occurrences. They have difficulty in skills such as decision-making, planning and judgment. The patient's speech and comprehension become much slower and often loose their train of thought often. They are usually able to complete common tasks but need assistance with more complicated ones. They must be given clear and repeated instructions by caregivers. Victims start to become aware of illness and become depressed, irritable, restless, and socially withdrawn (;( .
In the third stage Alzheimer patients loose all ability to recognize familiar people and places. They have trouble completing simple everyday tasks like eating, bathing, getting dressed and using the toilet.