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Banishing Love


             Banishing Love.
             To reject someone you love, because you feel you are not good enough for them, is a very heart-rending situation for all parties involved. Trivial things such as money and education should not be a factor in a relationship when two people really love each other. Trusting someone to give guidance during such difficult thoughts is a great benefit. Not everyone can be born with money, but education is obtainable. In the novel, "Where the Heart Is", by Billie Lettes, two of the main characters Novalee and Forney experience these differences.
             When Novalee and Forney met they became the closest of friends, but Novalee was afraid for their relationship to go any farther. She felt she was not worthy of Forney. The fact that he came from a family with money and education was intimidating to Novalee. It kept her from forming a more significant relationship with him. Novalee said, ""Lexie, Forney's not like us"" (247). ""Well, he's different. His people were educated. They had money. Lexie, Forney lived in a house with a parlor. I've never even known anyone who said parlor"" (247). Novalee being a high school dropout, and from a family of losers added to her insecurity. Overcoming feeling such as these can be very difficult. Not believing in yourself will only leave you "left out in the cold". As Novalee said, ""Well, Lexie you said it yourself. Girls like us don't get the pick of the litter"" (248). Encouragement from friends, family, clergy, or professional counseling can help overcome these feeling of shortcomings. Realizing that material things and money are not what is important in life will help bring about inner peace.
             When Novalee spurned Forney, she thought she was doing the right thing for him. After the death of his sister, remarks that some had made to her about Forney going to college began to interfere with the feeling she was having. The very day Novalee met Forney, Sister Husband made mention, ""Oh, he's a brilliant man.

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