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I dont know


Through this and similar definitions, the horror film has often been seen as a reflection of the inner "monster" within the viewer; the instinctual desires that are left repressed by society are those that are expressed in a horror film. Thus the survivor in a horror film, which is found in the majority of films, is left to "confront his or her own fallibility, vulnerability, and culpability as an aspect of confronting the horror object" (Kawin 237). After this occurrence, there is only two possible conclusions to the survivor: he or she either learns something about himself or herself and thereby becomes a more matured person, or he or she die because of their inability to interpret this knowledge of the inner self. Thus, in any successful horror film, no person gets off easily, everyone is changed in one way or another, be it a result of death or of knowledge. They make an attempt to "map out the terrain of the unconscious," that is, show the inner self, or unconscious mind of the protagonist through the use of the "monster" (Kawin 241). Some also share the feeling that the horror film has a basis in social commentary, and the unconscious liberation of "repressed political and social discontent" (Kawin 241). This is the primary reason why horror films are seen not only as entertainment, but also an analysis of the period by the filmmaker. The horror film is commenting on some aspect of society that needs change, and a goal of the movie is both to entertain and to get the viewers thinking about what was depicted in the film and how it reflects reality. .
             The commenting on social conditions is only one part of the characteristics of most horror films, however, many of which have been significantly altered as the genre progressed through different periods. In the classical horror conventions, certain aspects are usually expressed throughout the films. Firstly is conflict between the army (or the public) and scientists; in horror films the army is usually right and the scientist only gets in the way of the monster's destruction (and is quite often totally insane as well).

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