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The Wicked ways of Love


             Love is a mysterious little demon, twisting its way into the center of one's heart, enticing, with its merry way, until the inevitable happens. It breaks its' unsuspecting victims hearts, or weaves its merry little way through marriages, where people cannot love the one they choose. Unfortunately for Dmitri Dimitrich Gurov love gets him as well. Gurov the master womanizer, veteran of many affairs, is finally ensnared into love's viscous web of lust and enticement; when he finally realizes that he has found true love simultaneously it is snatched away as he realizes that he can't have it, because of marital bonds and social acceptance. .
             The story begins with the carefree swinger looking for his next fling. On cue a beautiful girl, Anna, with a white Pomeranian walks by. He had seen her once before and is now interested. The mood of the scene is happy yet boring for the characters until they meet in a restaurant. Gurov offers the dog a bone and they began conversing, "but after dinner they walked together and there sprang up between them the light banter of people who are free and contented." The atmosphere and the setting became perfect for Gurov to seduce her, which he does on cue. They kiss passionately and the "smell of her flowers envelop him." He hurriedly asks if they could go to her place and the deed is done. They continue seeing each other for about a month. When Anna's husband sends for her, she must return home, Gurov and Anna "part forever". But for Gurov this is only the beginning of a long and complicated relationship. .
             Gurov only expected this new lass to be yet another tick on his totem of women that he had patronized; nothing could prepare him for what was to come. After long days and sleepless nights we see a Gurov frustrated and incomplete. Love has finally caught Gurov, this time the master patronizer will have no escape. He is doomed to a love that can never be free.

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