It was a very successful scheme, as it increased the standards of services afterwards in Germany considerably. Another scheme used was conscription. Building up the armed forces took 1 million people out of unemployment. The new soldiers needed uniforms, weapons, equipment, and other supplies and this helped implement GÖering's 4 year plan - the equipment production helped bring the steel mills, coal mines and factories back. One of the most important things that Hitler did for Germany involved improving the standard of life. In creating the DAF, three other sub-organisations were introduced devoted to the worker. The first, "Beauty of Labour", was like a trade union. They encouraged employers to improve working conditions, and organised various campaigns, for example, "Good ventilation in the work-place" and "Hot meals in the factory". Another was "Strength through Joy", a popular organisation that arranged worker's leisure time. They set up concerts, operas, films and hikes, and other activities for the workers. Even though the wages were not huge, the service provided meant that anything they would have done with surplus money was already being done! The RAD was an intensive six month long work service for young men and women aged 18-25. It was poorly paid, and involved hard manual labour, but provided education and skills in labour. Although the DAF removed worker's rights to strike, they were, on the whole, satisfied with their lot - they had bread and work, and some benefits. Along with the increased standard of life came the restoration of national pride. The Germans felt undermined and humiliated after the First World War and the Treaty of Versailles, and Hitler knew that if he could bring Germany back to being an important world power, he would have a lot more support from the German people. Part of this plan was the 1936 Berlin Olympics. This was a Nazi showcase, devised by Hitler's propaganda genius, Dr.