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Sophies World


Living things not only contain water but contain substances. The only logical conclusion that Sophie found was that water turns into ice, and ice can go back to flowing water again. Another philosopher that was discussed along with Thalas was Anaximander. Anaximander held that all things eventually return to the element from which they originated. When a plant dies it desinigrates into the ground and the ground is where the plant originated from, so I can see where Anaximender could propose that. But human beings did not originate from the ground, unless he did have religious beliefs, such that human evolved from dirt. So when he/she dies they go back to where they originated, so I could see where that concept might come into place. Although Anaximenes had a different concept. He held the concept that air is the primary element to which everything else can be reduced. To explain how solid objects are formed from air, he introduced the notions of condensation and rarefaction. These processes, he claimed, make air, in itself invisible, visible as water, fire, and solid matter. He thought that air becomes warmer and turns into fire when it rarefied and that it turns colder and turns solid when condensed. How I see it his attempt was to discover the ultimate nature of reality. On the other hand, Sophie learned about Parmenidas's philosophy. Parmendias's philosophy demonstrated the reality of the absolute being, the nonexistence of which Parmenidas declared to be inconceivable, but the nature of which, he admitted to be equally inconceivable, as it is dissociated from every limitation under which human beings think. How I understand it, he held the fact that reality, is not known to the senses but it is to be found only in reason. He plainly says that beings cannot rise from nonbeing, and that being neither rises nor passes away. T. Anaxagoras introduced the notion of reason. I got the impression after reading this theory that all matter had existed originally as atoms, or molecules, that these atoms, infinitely numerous and small, had existed all eternity, and that order was first produced out of this infinite chaos of atoms through the influence of intelligence.

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