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The Growth of America


Believing in things like that is what caused companies .
             to become so greedy and powerful which alternately had groups like the progressives .
             trying to limit big corporation's power. One of these business tycoons had very bad .
             views of the much poorer and struggling class of people. Herbert Spencer believed in .
             social Darwinism, which is the idea, that only the strong survive. He also believed that .
             the weaker people who couldn't really support themselves should just die off which was .
             a very harsh thing to say. On the other hand Andrew Carnegie had a much more .
             positive and helpful perspective on the people. He believed that the rich should do what .
             they can to help society out.
             Industrialization is still going on in today's U.S. society. There is always .
             expansion and trade going on with other states, nations, and countries. From the .
             period where industrialization first began to now the U.S. has continued to excel in .
             technology dealing with transportation, cooking, home care, weaponry, entertainment, .
             healthcare, and many other categories. Maybe it would be a good idea for industrialism .
             to expand even more in this day and age because of the fact that we are currently in .
             financial debt. The economy could really use that boost of business.
             While industrialism was at its best in the U.S. it brought many people from all .
             over the country as well as people from foreign countries. During industrialism there .
             was a very large increase in immigration because of the high demand of workers that .
             companies and businesses needed to work in the factories. Many people came over in .
             search of a better life for them and their families and to escape the conditions of where .
             the used to reside at. This was good because it brought more workers but it soon proved .
             that it would also cause problems with housing, job requirements, job availability, and .
             From the period of 1880 - 1920 there was close to twenty five million .

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