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Political and social effects t


" The sexual composition of the work force also changed as more and more women entered the labor market. The influx of women into the work world that had been accelerated by the Second World War continued in the postwar period. The political groups, and the negative feelings that they harbored towards the present administration, only kindled the flames of revolution. The previous generation was clinging to the "good times" of the fifties, and the youth were looking for a niche to call their own. With the drastic change in child population after the Second World War, divorce became less taboo. As a result, single mothers were forced into the labor market, and with these jobs came independence. The 50's and all its political, and social change, was only the breeding ground for the free thinking generation that was to follow. In America, a group of militant blacks called the "Black Panther Party" had been dubbed "American's Vietcong." They were tired with the roadblocks and discrimination that were plaguing the civil rights leaders, like Dr. Martin Luther King. They decided to get equality by whatever means necessary. Their members had been involved in shoot-outs with the police, which were, by the radical community, dress rehearsals for the coming Armageddon. The hippie movement was new in the early 60's, the men only beginning to grow their hair long and some of them still wearing suits, the women as yet uncertain about fitting in. The introduction of the television in the 50's brought a new information medium to the general public. With television, people became more informed, and developed individual opinions, instead of the bias opinions that were "spoon fed" to them by newspapers, radio etc. The youth began to break free of the shackles that were the fifties. They considered their parents conformists , and they wanted a way to break free of the molds cast for them. As a reaction to the growing violence of the 1960's, many people turned to the ideals of peace and love.

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