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Digital Television


On the next frame in the video, only that section of the picture is changed (Silbergleid, 2000). A significant amount of data is thrown away, but not enough for a human to detect. The author continues to say that to transmit an image in analog, every pixel must be included in the image ruling out the possibility of compressing the signal.
             Digital TV, as opposed to analog TV, is a much more suitable for interactivity. The National Television Standards Committee (NTSC) television sets can display a picture 720 pixels wide by 486 pixels high. That's a total of 349,920 pixels. This may seem to be a great amount, but it is a relatively low resolution compared to computer monitors, where the resolution is often 800 x 600 or better. Most people today would rather interact on a higher resolution computer monitor that's easier on the eyes, than on a low resolution NTSC television. Digital TV can have a resolution of up to 1920 x 1080, or 2,073,600 pixels, six times more pixels than on an analog TV (Conexant Systems, 2001). The higher resolution makes TVs comparable to computer monitors and a more fitting interactivity medium. Examples of the interactivity that digital TV will bring include: TV on demand, Internet access with online banking and e-commerce, as well as the capability to play along with game shows (Casswell, 2000). For example, if you subscribe to a program in the DTV world, you can watch programming live or anytime after it airs. With the current NTSC system, if you miss a current episode of your favorite TV program, you must record it on your VCR, or you're out of luck until the reruns. If you want to know what the weather forecast is, you can tune to the Weather Channel but may have to wait up to 10 minutes until the "local forecast" recycles. However, when you subscribe to the area's weather forecast from your local TV station using DTV, it's always available on demand and current (Birkmaier, 1998).

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