Some may not realize how potentially damaging seeing a highly rated movie may be to their child or young adult.
Even though parents can't always be there to make sure that their kids are safe from the content of the movies, I think the theaters should be. I mean just by checking the ticket stuff every time someone comes in or out of the seating area would greatly reduce the number of kids sneaking into movies. As it stands today, a child or teenager can easily slip into an R rated movie. The only step entailed is buying a ticket to a PG-13 movie or lower, then just walking into the R rated movie of their choice. If the theater owners and workers were more critical about having the correct ticket to get into the movie, there would be less children and teenagers slipping into inappropriate movies. .
Now, we"ll look at the actual line between the PG-13 and R rating. There are a few very clear and specific differences that separate the two ratings. For example, saying the "F" word once in a movie would give that movie a PG-13 rating, but any more than once it would receive an R. Along with that full frontal nudity, graphic violence, blood and gore, and more, all will give a movie an R rating. .
For a movie to receive an R rating it has to definitely contain adult material, some of which may include: strong adult language, extensive scenes of violence, nudity, and strong usage of drugs or alcohol. The movies that receive this rating are directed toward those 17 years old and older, people who are mature enough to handle the content of the films. A movie will receive a PG-13 rating if it contains any drug use at all, partial nudity, or moderate language or violence. Movies with this rating are directed towards teenagers 13 years old and older.
Most R rated films are directed towards adults or people 17 years old and older. Yet, they still appeal to teens, also PG-13 rated movies have an appeal towards children 8-12.