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Oedipus: A True Tragic Hero


             In his Poetics, Aristotle defined the term "tragedy" as "a man not preeminently.
             virtuous and just, whose misfortune, however, is brought upon him not by vice or.
             depravity, but by some error in judgment the change in the hero's fortune must not be.
             from misery to happiness, but on the contrary, from happiness to misery". From this.
             definition, he further expanded it by defining the profile of the Classical Greek tragic.
             hero, basing it on what he considered the best tragedy ever written, Sophocle's Oedipus Rex.
             According to Aristotle, a tragedy should comprise of the hero's goodness and superiority, a.
             tragic flaw in which the hero makes fatal errors in judgment which eventually lead to his.
             downfall, a tragic realization in which the main character understands how he has.
             unwittingly helped to bring about his own destruction and the absence of freewill in the.
             tragic hero's fated life.
             Oedipus was a good ruler: just, compassionate and sympathetic. When the priests.
             of Thebes approached him, pleading for help on behalf of the people of Thebes who were.
             suffering from death and famine, Oedipus immediately agreed and promised them that he.
             would do his best in solving the problems, saying that his heart bore "the weight of his.
             own" and "all of his people's sorrows". He promised to "bring everything to light". Oedipus.
             was also a good son. When he first learned about the prophecy in Corinth, he was.
             unwilling to stay and left immediately, in case circumstances would ever lead him to kill.
             the King and marry the Queen of Corinth, whom he had then known to be as his natural.
             parents. .
             Oedipus" superiority was also evident in the play, not only through his ranking of.
             the king of Thebes, which automatically placed him far above the nobles, priests and.
             common people, but also through his intelligence. When the Sphinx "plagued" the city by.
             blocking the city gates and eating those who could not answer its riddle, which was "what.

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