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The clever choice of words in "with the same pains you use to fill a cup" he prompts the reader to remember the pain of growing up with all of the new challenges and tasks associated with growing up. Because of Frost's commitment to using nature to help people explore them, it is not surprising that the most frequent methods in his attempt to deal with this nature-spirit dualism is the juxtaposition of reality and fantasy. .
             The speaker also relates the stages of life and tot he season of nature. He/she makes several references to what happens during the ongoing course of the seasons within the first twenty-two lines. The speaker draws us into his observation the trees "you must have see them / Loaded with ice a sunny winter morning / After a rain" and adds that "once they are bowed / So low so long, they never right themselves." The speaker is revealing only the scientific aspect of this phenomenon. After he points out that the trees will be bent over the years, there is a major transition in the speaker's way of thinking. he turned to his imagination again to provide the explanation he prefers. The idea of fantasy is introduced, and it is revealed that this aspect is much more favorable for the speaker when he/she says "I should prefer.".
             The second part of "Birches" deals with a fantasy that is common to most of mankind; a longing to start over again. It is common to hear someone wish to start over again for countless reasons. Here Frost uses the simile "And life is too much like a pathless wood" to acknowledge that life can lead a person to feel lost. "Pathless wood" illustrates confusion, whereas "one eye weeping from a twig- illustrates the sadness that comes from life's adversity. In saying, "I'd like to get away from earth for a while" Frost expresses a desire for an escape not necessarily via .
             Cowburn 3.
             death, but perhaps through fantasy where he may start over again.

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