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music schools in ontario


             There is one main Collage in Ontario that offers this program. Fanshawe Community College in London, Ontario, is one of the few public institutions in the country that offers training for recording engineers. Approximate Costs (2001/2002) at Fanshawe College in London, ON are: Fees for all levels are $2755.10 and books and supplies are $2062.00.
             How this program prepares students for this career.
             Co-op opportunities with sound recording studios, record companies, independent production houses and other 'sound related' industries, music publishing conglomerates and anywhere that 'sound' production and/or mixing is done, gives the students the chance to get hands on training.
             They will get practical instruction and application opportunities for obtain a high level of proficiency in the MIDI/digital multi-media field through hands-on equipment application and process-oriented instruction. .
             Interview of Chris Winter -- Recording Engineer.
             1.) Tell me a little about yourself?.
             Chris graduated in 99 from Fanshawe Community College. He has worked in the career field since the age for 15 when he got his first job as a recording tech guy. Currently he is working at 24/7 Record in Toronto. He has meet many famous musician such as Our Lady Peace and The Tea Party. He is attending night school to higher his level of education.
             2.) What previous job experiences did you have?.
             Chris worked at many small recording studios from the age of 15 until he got he's job at 24/7.
             3.) If you had to choose another career, what would it be?.
             Chris said the he would have gone into computers. .
             4.) Do you feel your having fun in life?.
             He said that at such a young age, that he feels that this job was perfect for him. He said that he enjoys everyday to it's fullest so that he doesn't lose any time.
             5.) Has working there brought up any other job opportunities for you?.
             Chris said that he has meet many famous people and has had many job offers, but loves working at 24/7 because of it's family type setting.

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