Envy is surely an extension of pride. The awards and successes of others cause such pain to an envious person, mostly because he or she thinks very highly of himself or herself. Only a humble person can genuinely rejoice in the greater accomplishments of his or her friends and family. They would be able to admire people, which is a delicious pleasure denied to the envious.
Second there is the Lust Family. Gluttony, the excess of the natural pleasures not only of food but of entertainment and Greed, the uncontrollable urge to keep wanting something even if it means taking it from someone else are obviously near cousins to the deeper sin of lust, the self-destructive drive for pleasure out of proportion to its worth. One could even say that they are different forms of lust. You see, all three takes what is basically good, essential elements of life and pervert them through excess. Gluttony does it with food or drink, Greed does it with money, and Lust does it with sex. The sins of appetite on this side of the aisle clearly proceed from an ungrateful heart.
Imagine for a moment that on your son's graduation from high school you give him a beautiful, brand new, red Ferrari. You hand him the keys and you say enjoy the car, he throws his arms around you, says thank you, gets in the car and drives away. A few weeks go by and you start to notice that the car isn't as shiny and kept up as it used to be. There's a bit of mud and dirt on the front bumper and along the sides of the car, and when you open the door a bit of sand pours out that has collected from him going to the beach. You mention this to him and he just brushes it off saying, "I"ll clean it up later." More and more time passes the car gradually starts looking worse and worse, and one day just as you thought a wrecker pulls up dragging the once highly tuned, world class, sports car. It seems that your son forgot to put the screw back on after changing the oil.