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How America Look like before a


The "best" people of the West, the well-educated and intelligent leaders of the American culture appear to lack of convictions before that black Tuesday. Skeptical about everything, cultivating an amused, detached irony instead of any kind of commitment, they were our guides form the magazines and news-paper front pages and from the Oprah's interviews. Smiling with superiority, those personages were agnostic, dismissive of every kind of moral authority, self-indulgent and self-absorbed. .
             - "Truth is relative", says our educators.
             - "There are no absolutes" speak out our ethicists.
             - "Civilization is a contextual problem", announced our PhD's, not one of choosing between Christian values and all others together or separately.
             But after the attack, even David Letterman observed a moment of silent live, in his show. This is a matter of death and life, and not laughing intelligent. Now Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman are in fashion again and many FM commercial radio station agree in their program not only country music but Stravinsky, Brahms, and George Gerswin, a normal for a normal cultural context. Cultural life in America seems to look different in "the after era". Hollywood not died yet but allow the true culture to breathe.
             Our patriotism is now changed. Before 9/11 nobody bought CD's to listen to patriotic music. Now, the main company producing this sort of American music, barely satisfied the clients of all ages, classes, and races. Flags are coming out of the closets everywhere. Afro-Americans, Latinos, Asians and whites, liberals and conservatives, rich and poor, all say the same thing, coming together in support of our country. In the air is a spirit of determination and resolve to protect America and all that it stands for. On college campuses, students apathetic before 9/11, are now rallying behind the president, giving blood, lighting candles, and even enlisting in the military.

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