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He goes and listens to the Buddha's teachings where afterward, several people come up to him, wanting to be his disciples, including his friend Govinda. Siddhartha, however, believes that the teachings of the Buddha cannot help people attain oneness, for it cannot be taught from without. He actually teaches the Buddha his own theory of attaining it. While the Buddha reacts by saying, "Do you think, O Samana from afar, that it would be better for all of these to relinquish the teachings and return to the life of the world and desires?" (p.34) This shows that the Buddha understands what Siddhartha is saying and trusts him. Siddhartha replies by saying that he has no right to find the path for others. This admittance shows that he has finally gained some wisdom so far along the journey. This admittance also reveals to himself that the teachings of the Buddha are not for him, although they could help others. However, he cannot help feeling that the Buddha stole his friend. The Buddha's part in Siddhartha's life helped Siddhartha realize for himself that the path is his own, and not even for the closest of friends. At this point Siddhartha becomes obsessed with the thought of self, wanting to understand it, wanting to conquer it. In a defiant move with an air of finality, Siddhartha abandons the thoughts of Atman. He no longer studies the Vedas, Yoga, asceticism, or any other teachings. He himself will discover the secret of Siddhartha. The world to him has now changed, everything has more beauty. He notices more details. It is as though he has gained an extra sense that he never knew he had. .
             He remembers the old religious texts, but fails to find his self because he cannot accept the simplicity of the solution. He then continues his quest when he finds Kamala. She agrees to teach him about love if he learns the ways of business from Kamaswami in order to buy presents for her. He begins leading the sensual lifestyle and practicing the art of love.

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