Through a six foot gap in the wall one can travel to Faire, and this where Duston meets a fairie madian named; Niaome. This affair results in Tristran's conception. In the alternate world of Faire (beyond the wall), it is better not to sample the merchandise, Duston , who is not a romantic learns this lesson, when nine months after fair, a baby is abandoned at the boundary between Fairie and the English village of wall, with his name pinned to its blanket. Thus the story of Tristran Thorn begins.
Tristran Thorn , of the 19th century English town of Wall, wants nothing more than to be a good simple sheep farmer - and to marry Victoria Forester. Victoria, however , will have nothing to do with him. Unless he can fetch the falling star they spy in the night sky above. Victoria believes she is making it clear to Tristran that he hasn't got the faintest hope with her, but Tristran , takes her at her word and wanders off to find the star. The only thing is, the star has fallen on the other side of the wall for which the town of Wall is named. And beyond the gap in this wall lies the Realm of Faerie .
After Tristran promises Victoria to get the star, That night, he crosses the wall between England and Faerie, in search for the star. After saying goodbye to his father, Duston, his father looks at him with complete awe, his reason for leaving in such a way is "for love-, Tristran tells him.As he walks out the door , a bleek smile can be seen on Duston's stoic face. Facing an adventure to sure please any love struck boy, Tristran goes to the edge of the town, "wall-, the town where he has grown up all his life. He looks back and gazes at the town for a while, then Victoria comes back to his mind and at once he is in the section called Faerie.
And so after a berief passage about his thought of pure love with Victoria, the story goes back to Tristran quest. Wall, the town, gets its name from the stone wall which separates the lanf Faerie.