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For example, a person could ask, "Can science and religion go hand and hand?" The answer is no, there will always be conflict because science is based on fact and logic when religion is built on faith and hope. The metaphysical aspect is the answers to the questions, but in today's society everyone seems to have their own opinions, choosing any answer that satisfies the soul at that point in their lives, when they should be turning to God's Word for the answers to their questions about life.
             "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them," Leviticus 20:13 (KJV). This scripture is the ethical aspect of religion that Feynman talks about in his essay. Even though he does not talk about homosexuality, he says that human beings must be reminded of their moral values in order to be able to follow their consciences (Feynman, 512). To behave in such a manner in public places, men holding other men's hands; to go against what founded this country, the Bible, is not moral. Feynman states, "The moral aspect (which is the ethical aspect), the moral code, is the word of God (512)." This statement tells us that anyone no matter what sex gender; if they are against the word of God then they must have no morals.
             The last aspect of religion is the inspirational, it is tied closely to the metaphysical, and so when belief in God becomes uncertain, religion's power to inspire fails (Feynman, 514), but when one is working the will of God and feels one with Him, the inspiration comes (Feynman, 512). To gain strength and comfort people must turn to God's Word. The Holy Bible is a wonderful source of spiritual insight. As people today are searching for comfort, the Bible is increasingly being turned to for inspiration and practical ideas (Trammell). During a live spirituality.

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