Aircrew can experience the real indications of battle damage or major system malfunction, and crews can refine their handling of the aircraft in unusual configurations or conditions.
6. The UH-60 simulator based at Fort Rucker provides crews with a 80 by 100 KM "gaming- area that includes a large lake, 49 different Forward Arming and Refueling Points (FARP), and 12 pinnacle landing points. The simulator allows crews to practice with five different types of external load and provides 99 different target areas. NVG and instrument conditions can also be simulated on an as required basis. Compared to the system currently in place in many units this offers obvious cost training and experience benefits.
7. In some units it is not uncommon for flights to be cancelled due to aircraft unserviceability or other tasking priorities. The TEWAR (Tactical Exercise Without Aircraft) is becoming more and more common at troop level. For some units, other commitments can result in exercises with a tactical environment being spaced by periods of months or years with crews often performing more mundane tasks such as AME at the expense of tactical training. It should be obvious that these units would benefit greatly from some form of cost effective tactical or procedural simulator even in its crudest form.
8. Recognition training takes on an entire new field when the pilot is forced to identify a target before engaging it, or needs to be able to quickly asses the threat level of and identified enemy weapon system. Rather than watch video footage or use textbooks aircrew can develop their recognition and evasion skills in a dynamic environment.
9. The advantages of simulators for instrument training is well documented with all major airlines and many flying schools including the xxx utilising simulators as a cost saving measure.
10. The many and varying procedural activities required by instrument flight can be suitably practiced in a simulated environment.