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             December 9th, 2002; It was the Insane Clown Posse, (ICP), show at the Avalon. When I arrived at the venue at 8:30 that morning, there were already juggalos lined up waiting and hanging out with other juggalos. Juggalos are fans of ICP, and live their lives with an open mind, free of bigotry. We waited all day, but the doors didn't open up until 6:30 that night.
             Now its 5:30, the Avalon Security comes out to put up ropes and told everybody to get in an organized line, and everybody shuffled in, claiming their spot. Then chaos ensues; somebody started a fire halfway back in the line. Ignorance is something that most juggalos express with utter monotony. Security tells us that we now have to wait till 7:30 to get in, and all the people who started the fire were told to leave. I wasn't there, so I was all set. Finally it was 7:30, and they were letting everybody in. The lanky security guard took my ticket, ripped it and let me loose in the chaotic carnival.
             I ran to the front barricade, gripping it like if I was to let go I would die. Nobody was getting my spot; I waited all day for it. Everybody filed into the arena and the lights dropped. First on stage was the Hatchet Warrior, Anybody Killa. His set was amazing. It was the first time ABK actually played his own set, usually he is on stage with Blaze Ya Dead Homie, another Psychopathic Records artist. After ABK got off stage, I got off the front barricade, I wanted to crowd surf during ICP's set, but as I was walking to the bar to get a drink, I ran into my good friends Billy and Rob. They said they might go to the show, and there they were. It was good to see them both, where I hadn't seen Billy or Rob for a while. We sat and talked for a few minutes and then the lights dropped again.
             Esham "The Boogieman" was on next, his set started out really stale, so I stayed with Bill and Rob. We talked for the whole set about random stuff, you know just to catch-up and such.

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